Mike seemed a lot better today so we headed out. While on our way, I gave Evie a piece of my mind.
"The first time I trust you with something and you betray me," I told her.
"What? You mean with telling Mike what said?
"Yes and that wasn't what I said! You twisted my words around."
"It's not that big of a deal."
"It is for me! Why should I trust you if you can't even be trusted with something as small as this!"
"That has nothing to do with trust. Someone had to tell him before he gets us killed."
"So far, Mike's done a lot better than anything you've done."
"So what? You'd just let him lead you blindly into danger without saying a word?" Evie stated.
I didn't get a chance to respond. Mike stopped us and told us a horde was heading our way. I wouldn't have minded fight it, but safety comes first I suppose. Mike found a nearby lake and a canoe for us to take across. Mike, however, didn't have time to row across. So everyone except for Mike were on the other side of the lake.
Shortly afterward, I began examining a nearby tree and I called over Evie. She put Sam down in the grass and approached me.
"Do you think this tree is strong enough to support a tree fort?" I asked.
She looked at me strangely and began saying, "Why would we try..." when I grabbed her hair on the back of her head and slammed her head against the tree twice before throwing her to the side. She didn't die, but she was rolling on the ground with a bloody dented forehead, as was the intended result. Sam began barking at me (sure. He acknowledges me now). I stepped back and watched her to see if she'd try and attack. She started to draw one of her knives when I grabbed my gun.
"Hold it!" I shouted. She looked up at me and her hand ceased drawing the knife. She saw my hand on the gun. "Looks like that situation we talked about came up, hasn't it?" I told her.
"Jack, what the hell is your problem?" yelled Julie.
Everyone was alert and seemed ready to react to my next move.
"Just exacting some payback," I responded without taking my eyes off Evie. "This is what happens when you cross me," I told Evie.
"You did this just because I told Mike what you really thought?" Evie said angrily.
"No. I did this because you betrayed my trust. I thought it was fitting; maybe it knocked some sense into your head."
"Don't you think this is taking things too far?" asked Victor.
"Considering I wanted to do far worse; no, this was mercy," I responded. I could see anger in her eyes as she slowly stood up. I also saw out of the corner of my eye that Ann was smiling (why in the world she was smiling, I don't know). "Had Mike kicked you out of the group, I wouldn't have hesitated to play out what I really wanted to do. However, since Mike seems to have faith in you, I'm willing to forgive."
"If Mike were here, he'd never let you do this!" shouted Julie.
"I still would have though he probably would've yelled at me just like you're doing right now. I don't intend on killing Evie," I said as I took my hand off the gun, "but I am going to give you a choice."
"What choice?" Evie asked.
"Mike's on the other side of the lake. Right now, we have no idea what his condition is though I expect he's alive and well. I want you find him and escort him back here."
"What's the other choice?"
"You take what you brought with you and leave us."
She paused for a few seconds, looking down at the ground, probably considering her options.
"I'm leaving," she answered.
"Suit yourself. Jess, can you help her gather up her supplies? And Victor, you're in charge until I get back."
"Where are you going?" Evie asked.
"To get Mike."
"Seriously, you must be joking. There's too much ground to cover. He could be anywhere."
"Did you think I was kidding when I told you to look for him? Someone's going to and if you won't, I will."
"And you really trusted me to bring your leader back?"
"If Mike trusted you enough to keep you with us, I'm sure he'd trust you to help him now. are you reconsidering?"
Evie stood in silence and seemed confused by the situation.
"This just seems stupid to me," she said.
"There's that word again. The fact is this is a test. You say you can handle yourself just fine. Here's your chance to prove it. If you don't return within a few hours, I'll come looking for both of you and believe me, I will succeed if you fail." Evie remained quiet as she thought.
"The clock is ticking. Every moment you waste, nighttime draws closer."
"Fine! I'll bring him back."
"Alright. We'll keep an eye on Sam for you while you're gone. He'd just be a distraction."
"Wait a second. I can't just..."
"Trust me when I say no harm will come to your puppy," I answered.
Evie walked off into the woods, beginning to go around the lake. After she left, Jess hit me over the head with a stick. It didn't hurt too much, but I don't like getting hit.
"What are you? A psycho!?" Jess said angrily.
"Would you mind elaborating on that," I responded.
"You slam her head against a tree for "betraying your trust" (said sarcastically). Who made you judge and executioner?!"
Julie came up to me and hit me with a stick as well. I yanked both of the sticks out of their hands and threw them into the lake.
"Someone should slam your head against a tree! You had no right!"
"Do you want someone around that might turn on you! You'll blindly accept anyone who greets you, won't you?" I asked them. "You don't look at someone and determine they are nice. That's a sure way to get yourself killed and we can't tolerate any lying and betrayal. It will lead to bad things, things that I want to avoid."
"There has to be a better way then what you're doing," responded Jess.
"I don't know. Maybe, but I don't know what it is."
I walked off passed the bloody tree. I turned around to say, "Keep an eye on Sam. She'll kill us if anything happens to her." As I passed the tree, I saw Ann; she stared at me and had a disappointed look on her face. I began surveying the surrounding area when Victor caught up to me and gave me the same complaints as the girls did and I gave the same answers. I know what I did was extreme, but like I said, now is not a time for us to be sneaking around with secrets or spouting off words promised to be held sacred. Evie will probably always hate me. That's fine. As long as she helps out with the current cause and doesn't try and kill me, I don't care.
After I was done surveying the area (no hordes around), I decided to try and catch some fish using some fishing line and a sharpened paperclip as the hook. The first thing I caught was one of the sticks I threw into the lake (irony). I managed to catch a few trout and that was our dinner.
Night began approaching and all the tents were set up by now. I climbed the tree (you know. The bloody one) and tried to spot Evie and Mike. I didn't know if I should go out just yet so I decided to try and write this journal article. Then if they didn't show up by the time I finished, I would go out. About halfway through and they show up (it was already pretty late though). Evie greeted her puppy and Julie and the others greeted Mike. From the looks of things, it looked like Evie was staying. At least until morning.
- Jack's diary

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