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Monday, January 27, 2014

Mike's Diary Day 58 - Last Day

           This is it I thought, one more day before we arrive at Valor's base. I want to keep my promise, but sat the same time I don't want Julie to go with the Valors.
            I woke up the next morning, everyone was still asleep, I went out to prepare our breakfast. Not so fancy, but filling. I cooked, and boiled some water, and Jack approached me. Yeah, he just woke up.
            "What happened last night? with Ann?"
            "I don't know."
            "Well, I think you should really find out what really happened to her before she joined us." I said. I was still boiling the water when I heard cracking noise from behind us. Jack and I turned around and saw a guy running away. So he's the one who has been watching us all this time. Jack and I looked at each other for a milisecond, and we dashed towards the man right away. We were running, and running, and running, just like what they do in the Olympics. Jack raised his hand gun and threatened the guy that he would shoot if through guy disn't stop. Bang, Jack fired and hit him right in the leg. He fell down and we caught up. Jack gave the guy a blow to the face with his fist and questioned the guy, while I gathered what he had in his backpack. After he was done, Jack came back to me and said that the guy is a lone adventurer, and that he didn't mean any harm to us. I know that Jack didn't believe him, and so did I, but I decided to give him a chance to tag along, with hands tied behind his back, and with Jack as his guard so he doesn't do anything stupid. We walked back to camp, and everybody was already awaken, and was proceeding to eat the breakfast without Jack and I. Once they saw the figure, their faces looked worried, understandable. Jack tied the guy to the tree where I tied Julie before, and Jack asked for his name (I don't know because I wasn't ear-dropping). Jack walked back to the group and told them what he told me.
           "He better not fucking things up." Julie said.
           "Oh now you're back from a whiny kid to Julie." I responded.
           "Shutup, you're not the one whose arm got chopped off."
Everyone chuckled and continued their chatting.
           "Look Julie, this is your last day with us. Do you have anything to say?" I asked her, "Thanks guys for everything." She responded. She seemed sad, everybody noticed this, and they looked at me. Even Jack stared. I didn't know what to do, I mean as much as I'd love Julie to come with us, we better have a good reason to do so. After breakfast, we decided to pack up and continue our journey. The order was me, the 'guy', Jack, Jess, Julie, Ann, and Victor, making a single fIle line. We walked for hours, stopped for minutes, then continued. The valor's place isn't that far ahead, and I started to see the opening path from the first to highways and suburbs. We walked out, and there was a road sign that has been scratched up and rewritten 'Valor's base. Can be your saviour, or your death.' I guess that's it. I continued to walk, leading the group where we stopped right beside a liquor store. The huge dorm (fortress) is visible from where we were at, and I was pretty sure that that is the base. Since everyone had no energy left, we decided to go into the liquor building. Ann, once again ran inside without noticing any danger, but thank God Julie was able to chased her down, and got the hold of her. We saw 4 craze which takes no more than a whack in he head. We unpacked, set the tent so that we are not exposed by anything that is potentially dangerous, and sat down in a circle. The guy's hands are still tied, we don't trust him just yet. Victor is re-bandaging Julie's arm, Jesse is keeping an eye on the guy, and Jack is arguing with Ann. I don't know what their deals are. I peek, only to see Jack notices me, then he looks uncomfortable. I went back into my tent, bracing myself for what is going to happen tomorrow, and writting this journal.



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