*Last Night*
It was hell of a night I tell you that. After the second flare went off, I saw a horde coming towards our building. I was shocked (not really). Several minutes later, a man trying to run away from those craze, then I was like hey, why not help borther in need right? I started firing, and the others woke up and followed my lead. After a while, all I could see was nothing but an empty road, when all of the sudden, a huge explosion underneath us, then silence. After a waiting game that we have played, someone knocked on the door. I knew it was that man, but I asked anyways. It was Jack! Yes damn right he got my message. He was so busted up, so we decided to treat him ASAP. We immediately poured some alcohol onto his wound, yes, we were about to use that for a molotov, but oh well right.
I just woke up and with this diary I sit writing down some stuff. Everyone is grumpy, Jack is weak, now Julie is approaching towards me.
*10 minutes later*
Julie just told me some jokes because the others are too grumpy she said. See! What did I tell you. I'm thinking that maybe we should go back to base as soon as possible. I don't want the base to get attacksd by Valors before we got back, so I think I'm gonna clear down staira from craze. I'll ask the twins to come with me.
*Before going home*
Yeah, I've packed my shit yesterday, so I don't have to pack it again today. Just sitting on the edge of the roof watching craze pndering around down the road. Man, we're gonna be one of those things. Julie is packing her shit, one handed. What a champ (not trying tp be mean here). Jack seems exhausted still from last night, but I have to admit that that was hell of a run he did. Seems like everyone is ready to go now, I'm going to be on the motorbike of course, with Julie. This ride is awesome. Jack is in the truck with the others feelin' down I believe.
Man that was hell of a ride I'd say, ran over a few craze, and all that "fun" stuff. No, not what you're thinking. I'm sitting on a bench, looking towards the field, with my beer. Jack is soth the doctor, people are doing their business, and Julie just talked to me about random stuff. How her brother died. It's pretty fucked up, I tell you that. Man, it's good to have drama in life too right? Not too much though obviously. Oh, Jack is here.
* 20 minutes later *
Jack told me about his plan about saving the world, yeah right I told him. It's going to be useless, though it's a great idea, but we won't have enough resources to do it, no men strength, it'll bring death upon ourselves. Maybe yeah, after we know that people from other groups are willing to work together, after our faith in humanity has been restored, then yeah I'd do it. I mean there's nothing wrong with thinking big right? Jack seemed upset though when I said that. I changed the subject right away. I asked how Ann is doing, he didn't answer. He had a shock expression, but I didn't bother to ask what's wrong, though he's like my other brother now (well I save him he saves me kind of brother). Again, I changed the subject. I told him that I've been planning strategy to defend ourselves against the valors. He nodded in agreement, but he seemed to have doubts within it. I don't know why, he doesn't want anymore bloodshed maybe? I'm not too sure. I guessed he needed sometimes alone, so I left him, and proceeded to my room when I saw Moses. We talked about how me miss the stuff before this all happened. All I have now is him, I told him. He smiled, and said forgetting someone? I knew he meant Julie. He said that it's very weird how Julie and I can get along. I don't even know myself. Anyways, he left now, and I'm all alone. Julie's now asleep, tired I would say, and now I'm getting tired too.
Lexi, you helped me to make it this far. Thank you for that, oh and I met Julie long time ago, just thought you two would make great friends. Oh, it's true that you will always have something to fight, and die for.
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