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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Jack's Diary - Live Losing Or Die Brutally - Day 75 Season 2 Finale

*Early Morning*
            Barely slept. Didn’t feel like it. I finally perfected the Double Sledge (getting it stable wasn’t the hard part; it was filing down and taping over the nails so they didn’t pierce my hands in combat). Too bad I’m not using it today. I’m going to be a sniper with Julie as my spotter (don’t really need one, but I’m not complaining. She didn’t seem too happy). Other than my knowledge of constructing weapons, I’d say my sniping accuracy is one of the greatest skills I gained while at The Hill. I would’ve never gotten this good had the men there not taken the time to instruct me. Maybe I should be teaching here as well.
            I should give the people at this base some credit. A few men followed the two Valors after they left and now we know exactly where they are. From what I heard, they have themselves stationed in a building at the top of a hill. It is heavily armored, secured, and wider, but not as tall as the one that burned down though for them to have established a base in this area so quickly is saying something (might explain why we hadn’t received any word from them for so long. I still don’t know how they found our base in the first place).
            Everyone’s either grinning with excitement or shaking a little in quiet fear. Everyone except for me, I guess. I just want this all to be over. I bet Ann’s going to get a kick out of all this.

*Late Morning*
            I found an apartment complex off in the distance that had a good view of the base from the south end. The twins were somewhere in the area, Mike told me they’d be covering the south wing as well, but he didn’t tell me what weapons they’ll be using. Much like our own base, they have lookouts, one positioned on each corner of the roof and what appeared to be a short-range sniper in a roughly built crows nest. Mike’s team was waiting quietly in the woods and I watched for his signal. That’s when I saw 40 men marching up the back, 4 by 10 rows. Those who weren’t carrying guns were lugging a tall crate, nearly 10 feet tall, chained to the cart it was on. More and more men kept coming into sight as the minutes passed and I knew we were outnumbered. I put down my rifle and told Julie to stay put while I went to signal Mike to call off the attack. I managed to reach him before he gave the signal. Instead of retreating, Mike came up with a different plan though it didn’t really make much sense to me. As I understood it, whenever an enemy would spot them, I’d take them out (I guess he wanted more time so he could strike at the right moment). I went back up on the building and did what he said. I should’ve told him no and got everyone out. I don’t think he knew just how many there were. I sniped three men, but when they were spotted, that’s when the bullets started flying. I quickly took out the sniper and the four men on top of the building, seeing as they had an advantage in their field of vision. Death came to both sides of this war with bodies hitting the ground like the beat of a drum. Any men that came onto the roof, I killed though a few Valors were firing back at me with their own rifles (luckily, their aim stinks). Our groups were retreating and once they were at a safe distance, Julie and I did as well. With out troops gone, I’d only be a matter of time before they’d come after Julie and me. We ran back to base with our tails between our legs. Now, I’m waiting for our next “battle strategy” while sitting up in my lookout point with my gun to the horizon.

            I saw it. I would’ve sniped the guys bringing it, but they were pushing the crate from the back. It smelled rotten and putrid and the box swayed back and forth. I couldn’t shoot out the wheels because they were just metal cylinders. Once they wheeled it in front of the base door, the sides of the box fell and the men dived behind a tree. It was the giant soulless I’d seen from when I went to rescue Mike. It looked even taller and larger than before. The wounds that were previously inflicted on it were gone, but I could see the gore laying on top of the pinkish, brown flesh. It’s facial features, the skin covered eye sockets and the handsome human like shapings of the head and face were the most disturbing of all its traits. The blade on its arm had been sharpened and pulled and yanked at the chains that bounded him to the cart. There came a shout from the tree the men hid behind "Give the girl, or we'll destroy you."
            Normally, I would’ve fired, but it didn’t do much the last time except draw its attention and I didn’t want to risk prompting the men to free it. As I came down from the lookout, so many questions ran through my mind: how did they get it, why is Julie so important, and what in the world is it?! Had they formed a legion with those men who captured Mike or was this just a similar monster? It could no doubt destroy the walls of the base and I didn’t want to see what this thing could do at full strength. Mike opened the door and Mike, Moses, and I stared at it. I don’t back down from challenges and I am tired of losing my home and friends. Then again, I don't see how I came save both and live to tell about it. 

To be continued…

- Jack's Diary



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