News from around the world relating to plague diseases and apocalypse.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Possible Viruses That Can Cause Zombie Apocalypse [THEY EXIST]

Despite the fact that there are plenty of medical breakthroughs nowadays, the reality is that there are still plenty of viruses that can create apocalyptic moments and turn us into zombies without a problem in just a few months. Yes, despite the fact we are working hard to counteract any diseases and viral problems that appear, the reality is that you can still find quite a lot of viruses which can turn the world as we know it into a disaster.


SARS is one of those viral infections that can really turn everything into a viral outbreak, and the chances of that happening are much higher than you think. This is a viral respiratory issue that took place many times during our history, and it’s not something eradicated, just dormant. It can be hosted by animals and thus it can come back at any given time and turn us into zombies, which is a very terrifying thing for sure. It’s hard to say when and how this will actually happen, but one thing is certain, a zombie outbreak or total annihilation due to SARS is always a possibility.


Measles is another viral infection that’s spread through respiration and the terrifying part about it is that it changes the way your body looks in some really disturbing way. Maybe the worst thing about it is that it’s really contagious and that’s the main reason why sitting in a group when you have this issue will surely be very damaging to the human society as a whole. Let’s face it, this is one of the worst viral infections that can appear out there, and it can be very damaging. People can survive it, but it won’t take long until this viral infection can lead to some serious catastrophes, which can provide a fatal end to the human society as a whole.

Influenza A-H1N1

Another viral infection that spreads via animals, the Influenza A-H1N1 is very dangerous and it has conquered tons of people’s lives in order to become one of the major issues of our time from a medical standpoint. It can be hard to figure out if you have Influenza A-H1N1, and by the time you do, you can be close to the endgame, which is truly frightening.

As you can see, there are tons of viral infections that you need to worry about, but some of them can be even more damaging than you would expect. At the end of the day, what matters the most is your ability to cope with all of these, but there’s always the fact that such viral infections can turn into a catastrophic event.

If they will or not, that remains to be seen, but at the end of the day what matters the most is that you have to prepare properly for any events like this. Having food rations and survival kits can help you quite a lot if you want to fight and stay alive, so keep that in mind at all times, it might end up saving your life in the end!


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