News from around the world relating to plague diseases and apocalypse.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 47

     "Are you okay?" I asked Lexi.
     "Yes, but Victor..."
     "Yeah I know. Go get some rest. You kicked ass though." I chuckled and gave her a hand gun. 
     "Now what." Said Jess who was taking care of Victor at the time. I looked to her, then glanced over to Jack. Oh I see you want revenge right Jack? Well it'd be better to do it after we deliver this thing don't you think? More guns, gather more people? Ask for Valors' help? 
     "So Jack." I asked
     "I'm going with or without you guys."
     "That's what I thought."
     "You, guys be safe. I'm going tomorrow morning"
     "No, everyone comes with you. I'll deliver this to valors myself."
     "Mike WHAT THE FUCK!" Lexi yelled from across the room.
     "Don't tell me that. I'm going with you." She responded. All I could do is let her be. 


Everybody wakes up, and is packing their stuff.  
     "Jack how far is it? Their base?" I asked
     "Far enough. You two. We don't need two more dead people."
     "And I don't need three." I said, then I continued, "you see that church? The one over the mountain. We'll be there in 2 days. Try to catch up if you can. If you can't, turn back to base or go to this address." I handed him a copy o the address. Then we went on our own ways. Me and Lexi walked, far, far enough for her to collapse and just sit down in the middle of the muddy road to take a rest. It's not yet evening, but since winter is approaching, it gets pretty dark.
     "You haven't answered my question. What happened to you before you met me." I asked
     "I was with my aunt. But you know, shit went down. I try to survive, blablabla, 5 days later, you found me." She answered. "Yourself?" 
     "Me?" I asked "well, had a family once. They all dead."
     "I'm sorry." 
     "Me too."
I got her up and we continue walking. Craze here and there but they don't even bother us anymore, we tried our best to be unseen. Uzi in my right hand, a revolver in Lexi's. Lexi for some reason doesn't complain that much during the trip. You're a tough little kid for your age kiddo. We walk until it was really dark, approximately 15 miles away from the church. We set up a tent, went in it, I'm staying up and she's sleeping. We'll take turn obviously. There's nothing else to do, so I decided to write this. Hopefully those three are just fine, and can meet up with us in two days in the church. I was so stupid not telling them what the signal is when we're near by because yelling and screaming out names just doesn't cut it. It'll bring us to our own deaths. Mike, you're so dumb.


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