News from around the world relating to plague diseases and apocalypse.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Singled Out - Mike's Diary Day 87


I lost all sorts of hope. I don't know whether we will find Jess and Victor again. If God allows (not sure if he really does exist), we will meet again in no time. No doubt about that. This is our second day at the Grand Oak river, and hopefully Victor and Jess can reach us tomorrow right before we leave. The morning was really gloomy, quiet, and very foggy. I've never seen a fog this thick since that thunderstorm that hit 3 years before this happen. The river was calm, nothing was really going on, so I just sat there on a rock staring straight down the river, keeping watch of the camp. I have plan for today, that is to see if there is any suburbs or town around. Probably gonna take Moses, or Jack, or Julie with me. Julie most likely. I'm pretty sure this is one of the best sleeps that those three have had since forever. In fact, they're still on their own spot, snoring. I got lost in thought, and wasn't paying attention of what behind me, and there they were. There were 2 craze and 1 cutter. I didn't wanna wake the others up, and alerting the craze that they were there, so I decided to lure them away. Away from those three. I thought they weren't able to go across the river, but they did with ease. I knew I was screwed at that moment.


I have successfully lured those craze away, killed two of them, but spared the cutter since I don't have any good weapons to kill it. I lured it even further, but now the fog is really thickened out. I don't know where I came from; therefore I don't know how to get back to them. I'm starting to think that what if they decided to wait for me for another day, then something bad happen to them. That would suck and just kinda defeat the whole purpose of trying to survive. As if for now though, I have no where to go, and it's all just a waiting game. I bumped to several craze, but the good thing about this fog is that you can't really see 2 metres beyond your position, so when I sat down, all I can see were craze legs that are wandering about. Again, they can see me due to the thickness of the fog. That fog saves my life.


I'm hungry, thirsty, and exhausted. I didn't even think about Jack, Moses, and Julie. I just try to find some water, but I came out short. No food, no water, so I guess I have to go through the night without those things. It's getting dark, and I wouldn't risk my life trying to find a way back. It's just going to complicate the situation, and I would've gotten lost even more than  I already am. I just hope that one of those three try the flares. It's very risky, but it's a chance that they might have to take if I can't find my way back to the shore of Grand Oak River. God help me.


I walked about half a mile away from where I was from. Stupid idea I know,  but hey taking chances right? I don't know where to sleep since there is no one keeping watch for me. I didn't bring any ropes whatsoever, so sleeping in a tree is a choice that I have to pass. Digging a ditch? well I could do that, but I'd probably pass out of dehydration before I even finish digging the whole thing. One way to do it I guess. I don't sleep. I am right now proping my back on a tree trunk. Watching the stars, listening to all kind of creatures' noises. Getting creeped out, scared, no food, water, or weapons. I'm really tired and can passed out anytime, and hopefully I can wake up healthy the next day.


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