Moses and Julie are currently setting up the tents for us to stay for the night, I'm here watching the surroundings from on top of a tree, Victor is on the other side of the road, in an abandoned pharmacy looking for any signs of medicine, or a first aid kit, while Jack is hammering away, making more weapons and all. I was still thinking about Jack's conversation with himself during his sleep. I've never mentioned it before, but he said something along the line of leaving the group. "Operation Inferno", those are his two favourite words. He still insists in saving the world, killing all the craze in the world, though I'm sure that there will be no ending to that since more and more and more and most people are getting infected each day. Jack could kill himself if he actually decides in doing this idea of his. I don't even know whether we should all go with him, and help him "SAVE THE WORLD", or should we stay, and travel, looking for a great hidden place to start fresh from zero. I've lost too many people who I consider close to me, hope I won't lose Jack too, but if it is his decision, then I'd try my best to let it go.
Night is approaching, we started a fire, no one really watch the premises, since again we don't care what will happen next anymore. Maybe for once we can be happy without worrying our surroundings. I hope Jack will actually talk to us if he meant to be leaving the group to do his whole operation thing, though at the same time, I don't want him to bring it up, so we can just stick together and avoid arguments within the group.

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