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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 44 - "No Ride Home" - Mike's Diary

     I sat in the tent with Jessie, Victor, and Lexi, waiting for Jack doing his "business" with the raider outside. He peeked his head into tent and signaled me that he was done. I went outside just to looked at the woman died, laid on the street. I walked up to the body and dragged, then dumped it in the ravine right across. I walked back towards Jack and stood there
     "You're a fucking monster. Should've just put a bullet through her head. You didn't need to torture her." I said, and he said nothing. I told him to get the others and pack up everything, I folded the other tents, and said "We're Walking." Everyone looked very upset about the situation, but we can't waste any time. So off we go, we started walking along the road single file, Me, Victor, Lexi, Jessie, and Jack at the very back. I was wondering whether we have to cut through the forest or follow the road.
       "We take the road, more craze, but more chance of getting a new vehicle. We cut through the forest, safer, but no ride. Take a vote." I said. Jessie, and Jack voted forest but the three of us voted the road, so we continued with our journey.
        4 hours have passed, and we finally found an abandoned RV, and I decided to open a camp there and to stay for the night. I told Jack to keep a look out and get on top of the RV, and Victor keep a look out on the ground while the rest of us are taking a break inside the tents. I'm writing this journal, the night is silence, no wind, no signs of life, and no conversation was made for the rest of the day. The birds, crows, gawks, then it the night stays silent once again.


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