I don't appreciate being called names, especially being called a monster by the same person I watch over. The only reason I came on this trip was to make sure Mike and his friends didn't get killed or captured. I'm beginning to question why I saw meaning in protect others. Death is always inevitable and the human race doesn't seem to be making any strides towards anything. They are so focused on today that they can't see tomorrow. We should live for today and prepare for tomorrow.
As for the woman, she got what she deserved. Any person who would willing endanger the lives of others for no reason should be punished and since a system of judgment isn't in place, I took it upon myself. She said death was too good for me. Well, a painless death wasn't good enough for her. I'd hope to keep her where she lied to send a message to anyone else who'd try and come after me, but Mike dragged her off somewhere. She seemed like the person who would have done the same thing if she was in my position. Then again, I probably would've done the same thing she did if I was in her place, only I would've succeeded. Even I'll admit that driving a knife through someone's skull is a gruesome way to kill someone, but it seemed perfectly fine and even somewhat enjoyable to me. It must be that old, crazy urge coming back to haunt me. Perhaps soon, I will have to be alone again.
We began walking and I ended up being out voted by the others and now we're taking the road instead of walking through the forest. We came across an RV and I was tasked with keeping a lookout onto of it. From the quick look I had of it, it seems to be in an decent condition. The keys after gone, but it has gas and can easily be hot-wired. From atop of the RV, I felt like I could see for miles, while knowing it was far less. Using the scope of a sniper rifle I grabbed and brought up with me, I scanned the surrounding area. It may have been a hallucination, but I could have sworn I'd seen eyes staring back at me through the darkness ahead. It started to bother me so I stopped using the scope. After a few hours, Mike came out to take my post, still not looking me in the eyes and I went off away from the tent and RV and sat in the darkness, listening to the mumbling silence.
In the morning, when the sun roses and everything uncertain in sight became clear, we woke and a misunderstanding occurred. It was noticed that Jess wasn't in the tent and no one knew where she went. Mike approached me, "Hey Jack, have you seen Jess?"
"No," I answered.
"Are you sure?" he asked.
"Yes," I answered with an annoyed tone.
"Can you tell what you were doing last night?"
I knew what he was inferring.
"Mike, I suggest you go look for Jess because I had nothing to do with her disappearance."
"No one saw you after you left your post."
"Why does that matter?"
"Everyone has an alibi except you?"
"And you can prove that how?"
"What did you do?"
"I'm not going to repeat myself."
"Neither am I so answer the question."
"He stared at me with intent and I readied myself for a struggle. We stood like that for a few seconds when Jess came out of the RV.
"What's going on?" she asked.
She'd been in the RV the whole time. Apparent, it has a very comfy bed.
"Satisfied?" I asked. I walked passed him, picked up my weapons and entered the RV. Mike didn't have anything to say. Everyone else packed up their gear as well, I hot-wired the RV, and Mike drove onto the road and onto uncertainty. It is strange that I don't hate people, after everything they do and can do. I dislike humanity's actions and I even fear their actions, but I do not fear humans. I just could never understand them.
- Jack's Diary
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