News from around the world relating to plague diseases and apocalypse.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Day 45 - "Hope it Stays this Way"

     I can see that Jack is pretty pissed because I called him a fucking monster the other day, and I can't, well we can't keep going until everybody is cool with each other, so of course. I have to man up about it and apologize (I think that's the best thing to do). We drove for miles and miles, and Jack was there sitting in the passenger seat with his gun laid down on his thighs, looking outside the windows.
     "Hey man, look..." I said
Jack looked at me
     "I'm sorry for being so harsh, and mouthy with you yesterday. I mean, I just don't like it to see other people getting brutally murdered by that. I understand that you were mad for whatever reason, but c'mon now." I said
     "Yeah, it's cool."
     "Why did you do that anyways?"
     "Because." He said, and he stopped. I can say right now that he doesn't really want to talk. He was just sitting still looking at the road, and sometimes at the back to make sure everything is fine.
     " Look Mike, I've been wanting to tell you this, but you gotta stop putting your own ass in danger. Stop going alone and doing stuff alone like last time." He said to me.
Yeah yeah, I admit it, that is one of my flaws, I don't really want anyone to follow me around sometimes (including Lexi) because I just feel like putting them in danger will cause me more than just my own life.
     "Yes. But I just don't want people to follow me around sometimes." I said
     "By going alone without saying anything means that you're putting everybody's life in danger because then I gotta look for you, well somebody else might be worried about you. Lexi, Victor, Jessie, your brother. Hey man look, don't get yourself killed. I was panicked too when you were a hostage. We need you, the base needs you. Though I have to say right now that you should be in charge of the whole base, no offense to Moses." He said.
     "Couldn't do it without everybody's help, especially you. You've contributed a lot, and I thank you fo-."
     "WATCH OUT!"
I dodged a cutter, and now the RV flipped over. I unbuckled my seat belt and stepped outside the RV as soon as possible.
    "Jack go grab the others." I said, he nodded as if he knew that I was going to distract the cutter, then I took his gun.
I ran out, fired his gun into the air distracting the cutter, then I lead him into the jungle. Thank god it's not yet dawn, I can still see what's going on around me. I ran as fast as I could knowing that cutters are pretty slow. I stopped, and hid behind a tree, and the cutter just kept on going. My worry is not getting killed but getting back together with a group. With my sense of direction (I'm pretty good at it) I was able to find my way back to the RV. The gasoline is leaking and there is no way that we're going to use that. It's busted. I figured that if we stay here for the night, the cutter might come back (assuming he knows his directions), so the group and I decided to walk another mile to set up a camp. Now, we are here, in the middle of nowhere, trying to deliver this message to the Valors.
     We are sitting down, Victor stupidly brought his ukulele to play, Jessie sings, Jack is chatting with Lexi (Whatever the hell they're talking about), I'm here writing this journal. Everyone's so happy in this hell, I guess because we're all together, and I really hope it stays this way.

-Mike's Diary


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